Friday, November 23, 2012

Change the world !

 Last week I've had a lot of free time, but the weather was not so sunny and I decided to stay home to watch some movies . I know those movies will touch the bottom of your heart .
 Those 3 movies have something in common behind the fact that they are all based  on a true story. All of them shows how one person can change someone else’s life or the whole society . By helping someone else , you discover new sides of yourself that you never knew , you are helping yourself to be a better person .
Everybody talks about love , but you love just your family and  friends . While there are so many people that need your love .
 Have you noticed how many people die , how many accidents happen each year ? Do you know how many people live with physical diseases ? How many women are hurt because of their country’s law ?
All they need is love and support . People can be so cruel sometimes without even realizing it . To make the people change their situation ,give them an example of how to do it right ! Be tolerant ! Do your best ! Make this world a better place ! 
Everybody is so different ,so unique and each of us can give so much to this world. Why not to do it ?
Hope you enjoyed the music and movies !

Friday, November 16, 2012


As we all know family is one of the most important things in everybody’s being. And family members are the closest friends a person might have in a whole life. They help us to pass some problems or to find some confidence in ourselves, to get a goal. They influence our life as much as we influence theirs. But nobody will stand by your side in any case until the end, except your mother.

Nowadays, teenagers don’t appreciate their mother’s care and put on the first positions their friends, lovers and interests. But let’s browse through the history of your own.
Yesterday, you have won the championship of the best runners. Talking with the journalists you thank your trainer for your success. But who was your first trainer? Who had taught you to walk?

A year ago your novel became a bestseller. Now you are the best play writer of a world. You thank your dreams that gave you an idea of the scenery? But who was the person who have been teaching you an alphabet for ages, because you couldn’t understand, what’s the difference, between “u” and “w”?

Mothers -have the greatest influence on us!

As a conclusion I want to say: Listen to your mother. It’s not just a simple phrase the adults say to you every time instead of “good-bye”. Otherwise you might lose a good chance to affirm yourself as a unique person. 

                                          With love for all the mothers from the whole world,

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Let the world know your name ! (Fame!)

 Not long ago someone asked me “-How to be famous ? “ . But I didn’t have an answer. I guess that’s the reason why this question stuck in my head for some time . Trying to find the answer , in my head started to appear more and more questions.

What fame is ?
Fame – condition of being known or talked about by many people, esp. on account of notable achievements. Reputation .
“Fame means millions of people have the wrong idea of who you are”  -Erica Jong

Why everybody wants to be famous ? What ‘fame’ can give you  ?
“Fame is very big and very visible professional success . It is the key to the good side of life’s velvet ropes. For those who win it , society  will grant them wealth ,power, access , recognition , and other tools to live an extraordinary life “ –Jay Jessup
“ The life given us , by nature is short ;but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal”-Marcus Tullius Cicero  

 Most famous people are actors ,singers , models, presidents , champions . Looking up to all those people you probably wonder “- How did they gain it all ?”,”-How to be famous?”  . The formula is really simple :
Hard Work + Talent = 100 % Success 

“I’ve always been famous, it’s just no one knew it yet”- Lady Gaga
“ You just wait . I’m going to be the biggest Chinese star in the world “ – Bruce Lee

 To make the world know your name you got to work really hard , that’s why it’s so important to do what makes you happy. The only hard thing is to keep this strong desire  in your heart and to keep working each day to get closer to your dream . You can meet a lot of people who instead of supporting you ,will try to bring you down. And if you feel like you are about to give up , remember what did you do it for !

The Script ft. Will. I .Am - Hall of Fame 

Irene Cara - Fame (original version)
Su Pearls - Fame ( fav. cover <3 )
Hope you enjoyed the music =^.^=
with love , NFS !